Thursday, October 17, 2013

Simple Yet Fancy Ways to Frost Your Cupcakes

Simple Yet Fancy Ways to Frost Your Cupcakes


White Frosting (makes about 6 cups)

2 cups solid vegetable shortening 
1 teaspoon Clear Vanilla Extract 
1 teaspoon Clear Butter Flavor Extract 
2 pounds powdered sugar 
2 tablespoons milk (or more to desired consistency)

In large bowl, cream shortening. Add vanilla. Gradually add sugar, one cup at a time, beating well on medium speed. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl often. When all sugar has been mixed in, icing will appear dry. Add milk and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy.Make sure is it easy enough to spread but not too soft or it will not hold the shape of the decorating tip. If you have it too stiff you will cramp your hands while squeezing the frosting and your edges of frosting may look jagged.

Keep bowl covered with a damp cloth until ready to use. Refrigerate in an airtight container.  Icing can be stored for up to 2 weeks. You can also freeze the frosting.  

To color the frosting I prefer the paste colors as they do not thin the frosting and the colors are more vibrant. 

Drop two colors (if you want) into your frosting bag that has been set with the tip you need. If you have two colors you can squeeze out some of the frosting until it's the variegation you want. 


Use  #103 frosting tip.  Hold the cupcake in your hand. With the tip flush with the cupcake and small end toward the outside make quick little zig zags with the tip.  3-4 at a time.  Then turn the cupcake and do 3-4 more until you have completed one circle. 
For the next row you do the same but angle the outside of the tip a little higher than the inside. Finish with a little wiggle in the middle.  Voila!!  You can add leaves to the edges if you like.


This is the easiest and quickest one of them all.  It is also my favorite!  Use a large tip, #2D or a 1M.  I start on the outside and work my way in swirling as I go. I love to use white frosting and add sprinkles.  They come in so many colors, shapes, and themes, it's super easy!!  Add them while the frosting is fresh so they stick.  But, be sure to not do them more than a day ahead or they could melt into the frosting and bleed.


Use a tip #104.  With cupcake in hand and decorator tip (small out to the outside) flush with the cupcake make larger petals.
For the next row you do the same but angle the outside of the tip a little higher than the inside. Finish with a little petal in the middle.  You can add leaves to the edges if you like.

This is white frosting and the color paste striped on the inside of the bag.  


  1. Wow! Those are too pretty to eat! Thanks for co hosting for party earlier! I wanted to come by and see your blog, too! Hugs!

  2. My goodness! These are so pretty Jenny! You're very talented. Thanks for joining our blog hop today. So happy to have you!

  3. G'day! You are very talented in your piping , true!
    Hopefully one day, I hope to improve too!
    Cheers! Joanne
    Viewed as part of Foodie Friends Friday Cupcake Party

    1. Cute rhyme! ;) Swirls are easy, start with them first!

  4. Very Impressed! They are too pretty to eat! I hope this will help me for the next batch I make!

    1. Yeah, everyone says that and then they devour them! LOL

  5. So pretty! I took a cake decorating class a while ago and need to brush up on how to do it all again. Have a wonderful day!

    Christine @

    1. I have taken some over a decade ago. Sure was fun. I love making cake for my family.

  6. Ooh, fun! I have done the way in the center, but not the others. Thanks for this!

    1. I love the swirls, so versatile and much easier and cleaner than using a knife to frost with.

  7. I need all the help I can get - seriously! Pinned this :)

  8. Wow, these cupcakes are so pretty! I've never even attempted something like this, lol! Pinned!

    Shauna @ The Best Blog Recipes

  9. G'day! ABSOLUTELY gorgeous Jenny! true!
    You now have given me the confidence to try and this is now on my list to do!
    Cheers! Joanne
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Please give them a try!

  10. You make it look so easy Jenny, but I doubt mine would look as pretty as yours. :) I will have to give it a try!

    1. It's ok, just wipe it off and try again!! :D Frosting is pretty forgiving.

  11. I NEED simple, Jenny! Maybe I could actually do this, at least the swirl. The begonias are my favorites, but they are all so pretty. Thanks so much for sharing this at Saturday Night Fever. I know I'll be referring back to it more than once!

    1. Swirl is my fav and if you add sprinkles it makes it fancier!!

  12. These are BEAUTIFUL cupcakes!!
    You are certainly a great inspiration

  13. Those are just gorgeous! You make it look so easy! Thanks for sharing this at Saturday Night Fever!

    1. Thank YOU for the party and for stopping by!

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