Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2017

30+ Recipes for Deviled Eggs

Now that the Easter holiday is over I am sure many of you have an overabundance of hard-boiled eggs in the fridge. I usually use our hard-boiled eggs to make egg gravy and serve it over toast. As for the deviled eggs, I've only ever made the traditional deviled eggs. I had no idea there were so many different ways you could actually make them! 

Check the recipes out.  I am sure you will find one, two, three or more you will want to try.  If you are finding this post well after the holiday make a new batch of hard-boiled eggs and chose one or two to serve.  You'll have a hit at your next sports party, family or church potluck! 

Friday, March 25, 2016

50+ Recipes for Leftover Ham

Most families have ham for Easter and there always seems to be leftovers.  Sure, you could eat it plain but I think the best way to have the leftovers is in a new dish.  Running low on ideas to use it up? I'm here to the rescue with over 50 delicious recipes to use up your leftover ham!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

White Chocolate-Covered Strawberry "Carrots"

Everyone loves a treat now and then and how cute are these?  These carrot-shaped Easter treats won't please any bunny, but they will satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth. You can also make spring themed ones by using sprinkles.  Serve them up at your Easter or Spring Party celebration.

White Chocolate-Covered Strawberry "Carrots"

1 pound strawberries, cleaned, dried, with leaves left on
8 ounces Almond bark
Spring themed sprinkles
orange food coloring (I prefer paste)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt Cupcake Tutorial

These Easter themed cupcakes are fun and so easy to do!  The basket in the background is one my mom crocheted around cool whip container. It's has a plastic canvas handle and pom pon bunny face on front. Bet you didn't know I still had this mom!! 

Easter Egg Hunt Cupcake Tutorial

Your favorite frosting recipe (see mine here)
Kelly Green and Leaf Green Paste colors
#233 Frosting Decorating Tip
Decorating Bag (I use disposable ones)
Small Easter egg shaped candies (Cadbury chocolates, jelly beans, Whopper style eggs (my fav!))

Tint your frosting.  Use just a small amount of paste to color the frosting. It doesn't take much and if you put too much in you can't go back! Add icing to decorator bag fitted with decorator's tip.